Excerpt 8: Discernment and Division Energy

We see this time on your planet with all its glory and it’s pain. We see this as a deeply purging period right now and it may continue for some time. But this makes sense. So many ways of life have been destructive and unequal for hundreds and thousands of years. So it will not be fixed in a short period of time. It will take generations to mend the damage that has been done. It will take a worldwide conscious effort.

Know that the healing you do in this lifetime will be carried into the next lifetime, and on and on. It will be a cumulative effect, but you will all get there eventually. Of this we are sure. We can't even express the amount of galactic aid we are sending your way now. Healing, in the grand scale of things, is so so near. In actual years it will be a bit away. But you have to start somewhere.

Please take note of what pulls you towards information. We have seen people try to tell you that they are opening your mind, when in fact they are narrowing it, so you will only see things from their perspective. Also another thing to remember, a lot of people who channel and bring messages through from other realms, do not know how to do so safely. They are bringing many messages through from lower frequencies, misleading divisive opinions from Souls that have not yet moved back into a light state. These messages are not for your highest and greatest good. These are like messages from a disgruntled human. This vibration is low and not helpful at all.

We ask that you use your own judgement. Tune into your gut like we have shown you before. Train yourself in how to tune into messages from beings of love and light only. We will never bring messages that are fear based or will divide the human race further. We are here to bring you beautiful Souls together in harmony and equality. 

We are not saying that this person is willfully deceiving you. Not at all. Some may be of course. But most just don't know how to protect themselves from these lower density energies. The separation between our world and yours is becoming thinner and lighter so more are communicating with us. We are so grateful and thankful for that but you still need to keep your wits about you at all times when you are fully open to communicating with other realms. When you are chatting with or channelling us, a lower frequency Soul may pop in. An inexperienced and unprotected person may not notice the difference and the message becomes corrupted.

The division energy on your planet at the moment, and for some time to come, is causing great pain and destruction. However, destruction can be good as it is bringing down an old way of existing and bringing together a new era of unity. We can feel it coming. It will come faster than you realise we feel. We are excited for that time. 

When it comes to division in your world, it is usually coming from a place of fear and a general feeling of not being listened to. A lot of you may remember, or feel at present, how painful it can be to have your opinion dismissed or ignored. This is a lot of what is at the root of extremist opinions at the moment.

We advise you to allow the people who disagree to air their concerns, meet them with an open heart, hear them, allow them to feel important and seen, and then lovingly share your own opinion. You will not all always agree. You will not bring everyone around to your way of thinking. That is fine. That is their journey in this incarnation. They will learn magnificent lessons and experience such Soul growth.

We urge you to keep a healthy curiosity for knowledge and information. However, always use discernment. We actually think this is useful to do even before you have received information rather than fogging up your intuition with opinion. For example, if your friend suggests you should check out a particular article, check your gut before reading it or believing it. The universe already knows what it says in the article so your intuition, your Soul, your gut, your Higher Self, will already know.

Keep a cautious eye out for large groups of people all thinking exactly the same way. This should set off alarm bells. It does not sound like many of them are freely thinking if they are all accepting the exact same truth and belief system. 

The true belief system of the Universe is that everyone is individual and everything is open to interpretation. We welcome this as it encourages free thinking, and for people to make their own judgements. Do not mindlessly follow anyone. If you feel this beginning to happen, try to check in with your discernment and also perhaps the motivations of the person you are following. 

A true righteous leader will not expect people to stop thinking in order to listen to them. A true leader encourages individual opinions and thoughts. We hope this helps you with your spiritual practice and in many areas of life. The most important point here is to always think for yourself, make your own decisions and steer clear of those who try to convince you to think in one particular way only.

Love, joy, prosperity, security and abundance - these are the things that most of you seek in life. These are things that get you out of bed and motivated everyday. When these things are taken away, division comes into your land and the collective mentality. When these things are threatened people can become motivated in the worst and also the most inspiring ways. 

It is your choice to decide which way your motivations are led. You decide how you use that fire in your belly. Do you use it to uplift and defend those around you? Do you use it to cultivate more fear and control, hence contributing further to taking away the love, joy, security, prosperity and abundance of the people you are communicating with. 

The spreading of fearful messages does nothing but create more fear. Think about what you want to achieve. Is it peace? Is the vibration of peace the same as the vibration of fear? No. They are two very different vibrations. This is law of attraction basics which I'm sure many of you are familiar with. Like attracts like. 

If you want peace then spread a message of peace. This is unlikely to be achieved through the energy of protests. This will be done through mindful actions of peace and equality towards others. This can be achieved through mass meditation. Mass actions of love. Mass shifts in consciousness. This is the way forward for your planet.

Don't just listen to an opinion because it’s something you already think and you want someone to agree with you or confirm it. Be aware of your own intentions and biases. But mostly don't beat yourself up for being misled. You are human. Mistakes are how you learn and grow and develop your Soul. Also please remember to have faith in society. Just because someone is profiting financially from something, doesn’t mean they're doing it for the wrong reasons. We love you and are here for you every step of the way.

You are all magnificent beings. You all have so much more potential than you all realise. You, collectively, are just scratching the surface when it comes to your energetic knowledge. But we are here to support you all along your way to bring this to light. We are working with the scientific community as well as the spiritual communities of the world to bring this knowledge into the mainstream so that it will become fact and known by all. This will be a huge catalyst for peace and equality coming to your entire planet. You are all the same. We love you.


Visualize this regularly and thoughts of division and inequality will fade from your mind:

Imagine the core of the earth. We visualise this core as divine energy, as pure unconditional love. We see every Soul that chooses to incarnate on this planet as being connected energetically to the centre of your earth. You are ALL connected in this way. Everything you feel travels from your heart to the centre of the earth and out again somewhere else. 

See this core of the earth as a massive pulsing light that sends energy to the heart of every person on the planet. You are all interconnected by your hearts in this way. You all share the same healing love of Mother Earth, or however you like to refer to the energy of the earth. 

See this energy sending peace and love to an area of the planet where it's needed, especially if there is consistent conflict. Doing this collectively can have profound effects. This is the way forward for your race. We would love to see parents teaching this to their children at home from a very young age, or even in school or at church. This unites every single person and lets you realise that you are all exactly the same at the centre of your being. You are all filled with the same sacred light in your heart space.



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