Excerpt 11: Partnership
Marriage, and any type of partnership, is a spectacular way to further the enlightenment of your Soul. As many of you may know only too well, this can bring many challenges. We call challenges opportunities to learn and grow. Whether the unionship is chosen or forced, there is still the option for expanding your consciousness.
Compassion for another is an area of growth we will emphasise here. When you have made a decision to spend the majority of your life with another human you are extending the limits to which your compassion can be stretched. You are joining with another and if you are lucky you will grow together.
We speak here not just of marriage but also friendships and family relationships that are as close as traditional marriage. These do not need to be of a physical or sexual nature. It could be two siblings who never married and choose to live and grow old together. It could be two best friends who choose to spend their golden years together when their marriages end. It could be a child choosing to take care of a sick parent for 20 years. There are many possibilities here and many ways one can choose a partnership.
What the unionship looks like on the outside is irrelevant. Each will stretch the capacity of their hearts. Each will join the Souls of the couple. They will grow together and learn how to live together. Perhaps they will experience spiritual growth. Not every partnership is “healthy” but certainly all will give each person the potential to expand the capacity of their Soul. These Souls were likely in the same Soul family or tribe and were predestined to end up together.
We talk about this here because we see an emphasis on traditional marriage in many societies today. This is only a small portion of what's possible. If you are not married your Soul is not missing out. There are many other types of partnerships that are so important for the collective Soul enlightenment of your species.
There are many different ways to grow your capacity for love, kindness and compassion. Indeed many of these outside marriage unionships may even give more opportunities to develop patience and generosity when the official commitment of marriage and physical connection isn't there.
On a side note, though we feel this shouldn't need to be said, we will say it for those that still need to hear it, love between any two people is beautiful to us. Remember your Soul has been every gender throughout your past-lives. Every Soul is equal and it is completely irrelevant which physical gender you were born into. You were likely born into this gender in this lifetime because it would increase your chances of learning what your Soul contract had outlined for you. Us Galactic Beings have no gender and do not divide or categorise people like that. We are a combination of both masculine and feminine energy, to put in your Earthly terms, but also we are neither energy. We simply are. We see you all as equal.
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