Excerpt 7: Lessons in Challenges
We want you to know that you are the creator of your own life, your own destiny and your own journey in getting there. We would like you to have faith, that even if you are currently in challenging circumstances that shatter your faith on a daily basis, that you are creating a better life for yourself in the next one. Handling your challenges with love and grace is bringing about massive shifts in the development of your Soul.
These karmic cycles are exactly that - cycles. They go round and round. We do not always learn from our difficulties the first time, and the cycle continues. Our message to you, through this book, is that you have the power to break these cycles and create a more enlightened Soul. You do this through your thoughts, actions and intentions.
If you feel you may not be able to take control of your own thoughts this is perfectly acceptable for you and where you are on your Soul journey. We see you, we love you and we are here to support you. Just think of us and we are there.
You see, this Soul development that we speak of is all relative. It is different for everyone that is going through it. How a carefree person reacts is not comparable to how a psychologically tortured person reacts. As we said it's all relative.
If the end of your path looks like a loving situation, then that is the right path. If you can find the strength, then energetically send your abuser love, because please remember that they started as an innocent Soul that has so many lessons to learn and growth to go through. Please remember that an abuser does bad things because of what has been done to them. The torture in their minds may be many times greater than what they propel onto others.
That being said, they have their own Soul journey to go on, and you are not responsible for that. You are only really responsible for yourself. Leave someone in this situation to fight their own karmic battles. Of course if you are torn, from a heart space, by this, then send them love and forgiveness from a safe distance.
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