Excerpt 6: Healing Through Our Past-lives

We live many past-lives so that our Soul bodies can grow and evolve. It's as simple as that! 

Each lifetime begins with a mission being set by your Soul, your Guides and some more Beings that are personal to you. This is your Soul contract. These Beings will be involved in your guidance and growth throughout that given lifetime. You all get together at the beginning and decide what lessons and growth would be good in this lifetime. 

This determines the circumstances you are born into and the challenges you are likely to face. Often, but not always, we are reincarnated into the same lineage to heal ancestral traumas and break karmic cycles. You may have noticed this in your life, or you may know a family who has suffered similar traumas through many generations. The hope is that this generation learns more than the last generation and more healing of the Soul can occur.

Know that your Soul team and your very Soul decided these learnings for you.

You can get through this.

You are able to do this.

You will thrive through this.

You have our support every step of the way, and the support of Angels and many other Higher Beings.

Call in your team whenever you need this support.

Feel us wrap you in a warm comforting embrace.

You have lived so many lifetimes and all your Soul-knowing and growing has accumulated, and guess what? All that information has been stored within your Soul. It had to go somewhere! However, you absolutely could not have come into this world with all that wisdom on tap or your human mind wouldn't have been able to cope. That is why it comes to those who work and grow to get it. But don't get us wrong - it is within all of you and can be accessed by all of you.

Accessing your Soul records is the best form of therapy you will ever experience. Literally every question in the Universe can be answered there. Of course you will only receive the answers that you are ready for at this particular time in your Soul’s evolution. You can find guidance around relationships of all kinds.

Looking at past-life wounds can easily explain why you are experiencing particular patterns of trauma in this life. If these wounds have not been healed, you will come into this life with a predetermined Soul contract to work through these issues. You can go into the past-life and see yourself heal the situation or release the trauma into the light, ending that karmic cycle. It is an incredibly powerful healing that can happen when you access your Soul records. They are opening for everyone now to accelerate your evolution forward.

So, we want you to go through this past-life healing because the human race is picking up speed, as you all move towards enlightenment. The records of your past-lives are becoming more easily accessible in order to aid this acceleration. It’s all coming together now. So many factors are converging. Healing your past-lives is just one part of it.


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