Excerpt 5: Soul Tribe
Think of your Soul tribe as a sports team you play in. Imagine everyone in this team is a member of your Soul tribe/family. Most are here on earth with you now and some are living out their Soul contracts in the spirit and energetic realm.
You all work together to bring about success as a team. If one does well that’s great, but you will most likely not succeed as a team. You will only achieve your desired outcome if you all work together. This is how your soul tribe works - a group of people who reincarnate together, and help from other energetic realms. You are all working synergistically to ascend together.
Your purpose as a tribe is to encourage group Soul learnings, break generational karmic cycles and create the circumstances for Soul growth and enlightenment.
This Soul tribe that you have on Earth will most likely include members of your close and extended family, people you grew up with, went to school with, went through college with and work with. They may be people you love or hate. They are likely to get some emotional response from you and are unlikely not to be noticed by you.
They may be someone that you only knew for a month, but knowing them set your life on a different course. For example, you may have been studying to be a business manager and a chance meeting with a stranger brought your Soul purpose of counselling teenagers into your awareness, changing the course of your career. You may often think about that person and how they impacted your life and how you'd like to tell them, but you never meet them again.
A member of your Soul tribe could be that person you fancied that you never came together with but it taught you that you had the capacity to open your heart. This perhaps led to you feeling comfortable enough to open your heart to your life partner when you met them.
It could be that teacher that knew to show you kindness when you were enraged with frustration, and that showing of compassion melted your heart and changed your perspective. A Soul tribe member may be that colleague that just drives you nuts! But every way they trigger you, gives you important fuel to seek a psychotherapist to work through it all.
There are so many examples we could give here, countless amounts. You may never even realise how important a member of your Soul family has been for you or you may thank the Universe for them everyday. Well don't thank the Universe, thank yourself for choosing to live lives with this Soul family member. It was a conscious decision for your Soul when drawing up your Soul contract.
If you tune into your body, heart and intuition you may very well recognise members of your Soul family. We feel the members of your biological family may be obvious to you so we’ll give other examples.
How about you're at a party and someone you’ve never met before stands out to you, and not for the obvious reasons. They're not the most attractive, the funniest or the loudest person in the room. They just stand out to you for reasons you can't even put into words. You can't stop looking at them, wondering about them, wanting to know about their life. Afterwards you think about them frequently.
The next time this happens make yourself go over and talk to them. Trust what you are experiencing. Trust the pull. Trust that they may be feeling the same way. This may not become a romantic relationship or even a friendship, but there will probably be something that you will take from the encounter that influences you exactly how you needed to be influenced that day. If you don't have the courage to do this then don't worry because the energetics of the Universe are always working for you. You will bump into them again and have another opportunity, or someone else will come along with the same message.
When we need to tell you something we never give up. Tune into your intuition and trust it.
Can you now recognise some members of your Soul tribe?
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